Welcome To Our Lady of Loreto

Please register for the next reunion.
Dominick Mondelli (Donny)
Please don't let this happen to our church.

The beautiful statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary that stood
in front of Our Lady of Loreto church has been removed.
I contacted the Diocese to inquire about the whereabouts of the statue.
The Diocese claims they had no knowledge about the statue being removed.
The statue miraculously reappeared 7 weeks later.
I contacted the Diocese again and was told that the statue
was in fact removed for cleaning and polishing.
Scaffolding is erected in front of the church and the
Diocese tells us they don't know why. Hum!
Update: Due to local laws, the scaffolding was erected
because of debris falling from the building.
However, the scaffolding will be reinstalled due to stones and other
falling debris from the towers making the situation more dangerous.
A Petition has been organized with the cooperation of
Dominick Mondelli, Laura Andrews and The Pascucci family.
The purpose of the petition is to have Our Lady of Loreto church
registered as a New York Landmark of Historic Places and to keep
Our Lady of Loreto from being demolished.
Signing the petition in and of itself may not make Our Lady of Loreto a landmark,
but the more people showing their desire the more helpful it is in being recognized
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn has decided that Our Lady of Loreto
is no longer worthy of remaining open due to lack of parishioners and funds received
and will surrender the property to the Catholic Charities of NY which has plans to
demolished the church and build an apartment complex for low income residence.
This is the first petition of its kind to preserve our church and may be our last resort.
Our goal is to collect as many signatures as possible to save Our Lady of Loreto.
Once we meet our goal, the petition will be delivered to the New York State
Historic Preservation Office, local congressmen and The Roman Catholic
Diocese of Brooklyn.
Please help us meet our goal by showing your support and sign the Petition.
The cornerstone of Our Lady of Loreto was laid in 1906 and work was completed
two years later by the firm of Armezzani, Federici and Sons, of Paterson, N.J.,
according to a Catholic directory published in 1914.
However, rumor has it that the property was donated by the Molinari family
and it was our ancestors, grandfathers and fathers (Not The Diocese)
that built the church and the Don Bosco center. They sacrificed their lives and their families
for the church and the Italian immigrants who settled in a community that they also built.
Please help keep the legacy of our ancestors alive and not let their church die in vain.
Please sign the Petition.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Please do not use Anonymous. It does not count as a signature.
Be proud to show your support and display your name.
Please click here to sign the Petition
Dominick Mondelli (Donny)